List of All AHEA Conferences
The AHEA was organized in 1974 at the Magyar Találkozó in Cleveland, Ohio. The following year we held our meeting again in Cleveland, as a one-day event. 1976 saw the start of independent conferences of two days (Friday and Saturday), expanded in 1983 to include a program on Thursday evening and occasionally a study tour or cultural program on Sunday. Many of the conferences were co-sponsored by departments or programs from the host university as well as various local or national organizations.
1st 1976 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
2nd 1977 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
3rd 1978 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
4th 1979 Silver Spring, MD
1979 Special Symposium on Transylvania, Kent State University, Ohio
5th 1980 St. Michael’s College, U. of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. Canada
Beginning with the 1981 Conference there has been a unifying theme given to each:
6th 1981 Kent State University, Kent, OH
Symposium on the Hungarian Revolution of 1956
7th 1982 Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, NJ
Culture of Hungarians in the USA
8th 1983 St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. Canada
9th 1984 Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Hungary and Hungarians – Accomplishments and Prospects
10th 1985 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
A Ten-Year Retrospective
11th 1986 St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. Canada
12th 1987 Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, NJ
Hungary and Its Neighbors – Hungary and the West
13th 1988 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Contributions of Hungarians and those of Hung. Descent to World Civilization
14th 1989 St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. Canada
With the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada
15th 1990 Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, NJ
Hungary in an Age of Crisis
16th 1991 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
The Life and Times of Ernő Dohnányi
17th 1992 University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
A Commemorative Conf. on the Centennial of the Birmingham Neighborhood
18th 1993 University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Hungary in the 1990's: New Possibilities in a New Context
19th 1994 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Fifteen Million Hungarians in Transition Today
20th 1995 U. du Québec, Montréal, Montreal, Que. Canada
At the Learned Societies of Canada Conference
21st 1996 Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ
Hungarian Anniversaries: 896 and 1956
1996 Library of Congress: Commemorating 1100 years of Hungarian Statehood
Hungary on the Threshold of the 21st Century
22nd 1997 U. of Maryland, College Park, MD
A Thousand Years of Hungarian Education: Toward the Second Millennium
23rd 1998 Columbia University, New York, NY
Reform, Revolution, Integration: Hungary Past and Present
24th 1999 John Carroll University, Cleveland, OH
Memory, Culture and Identity: The Hungarian Global Village at the End of the Millennium
25th 2000 Magyar Kultúra Alapítvány/Hungarian Culture Foundation, Budapest, Hungary
Hungarians in North America – Magyarok Észak Amerikában
26th 2001 Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Hungarian Culture – Central European Culture
27th 2002 University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont, Canada
At the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities in Canada
28th 2003 Columbia University, New York, NY
Hungarian Culture, Global Culture
29th 2004 Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ
Hungarians at a Turning Point
30th 2005 Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Looking Forward – Looking Back: The AHEA at Thirty
31st 2006 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution
Cold War Hungary, the Revolution of 1956, and its Aftermath
32nd 2007 St. John’s University College of Professional Studies, New York, NY
Hungarians in a Larger World
33rd 2008 Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
Hungarian Identity in an Intercultural World
34th 2009 University of California, Berkeley, CA
Hungarians in the New World
35th 2010 University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Bridges Between Hungarians – Magyar-Magyar Kapcsolatok
36 th 2011 John Carroll University, Cleveland, OH
Whither Europe? Whither Hungary? The Challenges of Pluralism in the Twenty-first Century
37th 2012 Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, New York
Hungarian Borders, [Im]migrations, Diasporas
38th 2013 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Preserving the Past, Finding the Future – Őrizzük a múltat, keressük a jövőt.
39th 2014 University of Florida, Gainesville
Turning Points in Hungarian Life and History
Fordulópontok a magyar életben és történelemben
40th 2015 Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca
Identities Beyond Borders ― Határokon átívelő identitások
41st 2016 University of Maryland Conference Center
― Migration and Emigration ― On the 60th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution 1956
― Migráció és emigráció ― Az 1956-os Forradalom és Szabadságharc 60. évfodulója alkalmából
42nd 2017 Ryerson University, Toronto, ON Canada
Joint Meeting with the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada
Sovereignty, Compromise, and the Making of Modern Hungary: 1867 and Beyond
Függetlenség, Kiegyezés és a modern Magyarország kialakulása: 1867 és azután
43rd 2018 Cleveland State University
Forging the Future, Facing the Past: Hungary and its Diaspora
A jövőbe tekintve, figyelembe véve a múltat: Magyarország és a diaszpóra
44th 2019 University of Pittsburgh
Identity: Hungarian, European, Global?
Identitás: magyar, európai, globális?
45th 2020/2021 University of Pécs, postponed from 2020 to 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic
Online conference: Cultural Crossroads
46th 2022 University of Pécs, Zoom conference
Interactions between Hungarians and Hungarian Communities Abroad
47th 2023 Quinnipac University, Hamden, Connecticut
Dependencies and Alliances