The American Hungarian Educators Association
Awards, Scholarships
AHEA Research Presentation Awards
By č Anna | | 0 Comments |
AHEA is accepting applications for the annual AHEA Research Presentation Awards. These awards support scholars by contributing to expenses related to attendance at AHEA’s annual conference. Two or three yearly awards of 500 USD will be given, depending on availability of funding.
Helena History Press Scholarship
By č Anna | | 0 Comments |
The Helena History Press scholarship is an annual award that has been established by Helena History Press to recognize a scholar in any field of the humanities who specializes in scholarship related to or about Central and East Europe.
Steven Béla Várdy and Ágnes Huszár Várdy Legacy Scholarship
By č Anna | | 0 Comments |
The Steven Béla Várdy Legacy and Ánes Huszár Várdy Scholarship has been established to recognize a scholar in the fields of history or literature, who exemplifies the high standards of original research and historical and literary writing set by Steven Béla Várdy and Ágnes Huszár Várdy,  Eligible candidates must be a member of AHEA whose degree and research focus is in history or literature.
Péter Basa Award Recipients
By č Anna | |
The American Hungarian Educators Association established this Award in 2009 to recognize outstanding contributions to the advancement of the purposes and activities of the AHEA.
Péter Basa Award
By č Anna | | 0 Comments |
The American Hungarian Educators Association established this Award in 2009 to recognize outstanding contributions to the advancement of the purposes and activities of the AHEA.
AHEA Research Presentation Award Recipients
By č Anna | |
Sponsored by the AHEA, the Jackovics Family Fund, and other supporters. For Graduate Students and Junior Faculty
Dr. Teodóra Dömötör
By č Anna | | 0 Comments |
The Helena History Press scholarship is an annual award that has been established by Helena History Press to recognize a scholar in any field of the humanities who specializes in scholarship related to or about Central and East Europe.
Steven Béla Várdy Legacy Scholarship Recipients
By č Anna | | 0 Comments |
The Helena History Press scholarship is an annual award that has been established by Helena History Press to recognize a scholar in any field of the humanities who specializes in scholarship related to or about Central and East Europe.
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