The American Hungarian Educators Association
č Anna
Newsletter: March 2023
By č Anna | |
• AHEA will hold its 47th Annual Conference in person at Quinnipiac University, Hamden, Connecticut, USA. We welcome participation by academics, independent scholars, educators, and graduate students who are devoted to the teaching, research, and dissemination of Hungarian culture, history, folklore, literature, linguistics, pedagogy, fine arts, and music.
Stephen A Beszedits
By č Anna | |
In February, 2017, we received the sad news of the passing away of Stephen Beszedits from one of his childhood friends in Szeged. He was born in Budapest on February 25th, 1946. He was educated in the United States and Canada.
Linda Dégh
By č Anna | |
Linda Dégh (18 March 1918 – 19 August 2014) was a folklorist and professor of Folklore & Ethnomusicology at Indiana University, USA. Dégh was born in Budapest, Hungary and is well known as a folklorist for her work with legends, identity, and both rural and urban communities in Europe and North America. In 2004, as professor emerita at Indiana University, she was awarded the AFS Lifetime Scholarly Achievement Award. Dégh also served as president of the American Folklore Society in 1982.
Hungarian Cultural Studies: e-Journal
By č Anna | |
Title: Hungarian Cultural Studies, e-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators
Arthur A Bartfay 
By č Anna | |
Arthur Allan Bartfay was born October 10, 1935 on a farm near Flint, Michigan to Hungarian parents who immigrated to America in 1912 from small villages in Borsod County near the Tisza & Sajó Rivers.
Érdy Miklós
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Érdy Miklós független kutató, a korai Közép-Ázsia lovasnomád kultúráival foglalkozik. Keleti tanulmányait jól segitik korábbi iskolái, így kémiai PhD -je a hun bronzüstök vizsgálatánál hasznos, míg fogorvosi doktorátusa, DDS, a koponyák és más csontok kiértékelését segíti.
Péter Basa Award
By č Anna | | 0 Comments |
The American Hungarian Educators Association established this Award in 2009 to recognize outstanding contributions to the advancement of the purposes and activities of the AHEA.
Thomas Szendrey
By č Anna | |
A professor of history at Gannon College for many years, Thomas was an excellent scholar. While he had not been active in the Association in recent years, he was a keen student of Hungarian culture and society, and actively promoted it through his professional and intellectual contacts. He will be missed by all of us.
Newsletter: February 2023
By č Anna | |
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend the 47th Annual American Hungarian Educators (AHEA) Conference which will take place at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, USA on 27 – 29 April 2023.
György Bisztray
By č Anna | |
Our member, longtime supporter and founder of our sister organization in Canada, the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC), passed away on December 19, 2012. Professor George (György) Bisztray joined the AHEA in 1975, among the first members of the fledgling group. He served as Vice-President and as Board Member at various times, in the latter capacity ex officio representing the HSAC.
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