Sponsored by the AHEA, the Jackovics Family Fund, and other supporters.
For Graduate Students and Junior Faculty:
AHEA is accepting applications for the annual AHEA Research Presentation Awards. These awards support scholars by contributing to expenses related to attendance at AHEA’s annual conference.
Two or three yearly awards of 500 USD will be given, depending on availability of funding.
To be eligible for this award, a person should:
- Be preferably a graduate student currently enrolled or a junior scholar (up to five years beyond the PhD at the time of application).
- Work at an institution of higher education.
- Submit an abstract for presentation at the next annual AHEA conference.
- Become or currently be a member of AHEA. Click here to sign up
Application consists of:
- A current CV or brief biosketch (not more than 1 page).
- A 200-word personal statement
- A 200-word abstract of the presentation submitted online.
Send application materials by way of email to: info@ahea.net
Deadline for application: February 15 each year.
Awardees will be notified by February 25 of the same year.
Evaluation committee: Helga Lénárt-Cheng, Mártha Pereszlényi-Pintér, Louise Vasvári
AHEA Research Presentation Award Recipients
Mrea Csorba, University of Pittsburgh
Taylor Gombos, New York University
Award funding and frequency:
This scholarship program is operated and funded by AHEA through generous sponsors. It is given annually depending on availability of funding.
2019 Sponsor: Helena History Press
2020 Sponsors: Várdy Family and Jackovics Family Fund
2022 Sponsor: AHEA Scholarship Fund