The American Hungarian Educators Association
47th Annual Conference
After two years online, AHEA is excited to return face-to-face on the scenic Quinnipiac University campus! It's not too late to get your paper on the program and join in the collegial atmosphere that makes AHEA conferences so memorable.

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

On behalf of the American Hungarian Educators Association, I invite you to attend AHEA's 47th annual conference on April 27 - 29, 2023 at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT.  The downloadable program is available here.  Highlights of the Program:

Christopher Ball, PhD. Director of the Central European Institute, István Széchenyi Chair in International Economics, and Honorary Hungarian Consul will give the keynote address titled:  Evolving Hungarian-American Academic Relations: Insights and Broader Reflections from Quinnipiac’s Experience with Hungary since 2005.

Fulbright Hungary Reception honoring past, present, and future Fulbright Alumni from and to Hungary.  Károly Jókay, Executive Director, US-Hungary Fulbright Commission will host a reception on Friday evening with a performance by two Fulbright Alumni: Judit Gábos pianist from Eger, Hungary and Daniel Sender, violinist concertmaster of the Charlottesville Symphony, Charlottesville Opera, and the Virginia Consort will perform.

The program is multidisciplinary [History and Political Science 32%; Cultural Studies 20%; Language and Literature 16%; Education 16%; Music and Folklore 12%; Science and Economics 4%], bilingual [86% in English, 14% Hungarian] and international [scholars from four countries represented (US, Hungary, Romania, Canada]. 

Registration is available; be sure to email the completed form as soon as possible to [].

On behalf of the Program Committee, AHEA Board of Directors and Cosponsors of the Conference, 

Klara Papp, AHEA President

47th Annual Conference
April 27 – 29, 2023
Quinnipiac University, Hamden, Connecticut USA

After two years online, AHEA is excited to return face-to-face on the scenic Quinnipiac University campus! It's not too late to get your paper on the program and join in the collegial atmosphere that makes AHEA conferences so memorable.

The American Hungarian Educators Association (AHEA) will hold its 47th Annual Conference in person at Quinnipiac University, Hamden, Connecticut, USA.  We welcome participation by academics, independent scholars, educators, and graduate students who are devoted to the teaching, research, and dissemination of Hungarian culture, history, folklore, literature, linguistics, pedagogy, fine arts, and music. This year’s conference theme:  Dependencies and Alliances

Abstracts are invited that report the results of original research.  Abstracts can address a broad range of topics dealing with all the aspects of interaction between Hungarians and others, or Hungarians and Hungarian communities abroad.  We also welcome abstracts that combine original research studies and provide direction for future research.

Abstracts should consist of a title (no more than 135 characters in length including spaces); 200-250-word abstract, specify the type of presentation (paper, panel, roundtable, book presentation or workshop); list author(s) on the paper, a brief biography, including degrees and scholarly fields (50-100 words) and email contact information.

Abstracts are reviewed on a rolling basis; the deadline is February 152023.

The official languages of the conference are English and Hungarian; abstracts and presentations in either language are welcome.  Authors will receive notification of acceptance in early Spring.  Authors whose papers are accepted are expected to attend AHEA23 in Hamden, CT, to be current members of AHEA, and to pay the Conference fee.  Information on joining or renewing membership may be found on the AHEA website.

Abstracts in the following categories are invited:

  • Paper Presentation Individual paper presentations describe original research by the author. Fifteen minutes is allotted for the paper and fifteen for discussion.
  • Panel Discussion is a forum for interactive discussion of a topic among a panel of experts. Typically, a panel of two or three speakers makes introductory remarks.  The audience is then invited to make comments and question the panel.  Panel discussions are scheduled for 60 minutes and run concurrently with other sessions.
  • Roundtable discussion Roundtables are 60 minutes in length and are intended for informal discussions of pressing current topics important to scholars in the field and to provide a venue to both share and learn from each other.   Each submission should have no less than three participants knowledgeable in the discipline.
  • Book Presentation Recently published books are invited for presentation either by the author or by an interested reader.  These are short, max 10-minute synopsis of a book published within the last year of potential interest to the members of AHEA.
  • Workshops provide training on a specific skill, technique or process and may involve one or more instructors. Workshops are intended to emphasize learning through participation, discussion and “hands-on” activities. Workshop organizers must specify an upper limit on attendance.  Workshops are scheduled for 90 minutes.

Information regarding conference logistics is included on AHEA's website. There you will find details regarding transportation, lodging, and registration information.

If you need additional information or clarification contact

Az Amerikai Magyar Tanáregyesület évente megrendezi konferenciáját a magyar kultúra, történelem, néprajz, irodalom, nyelv, pedagógia, szépművészet, zene és más kapcsolódó tudományokból.

47. éves konferenciáját a Quinnipiac University szervezi, Hamden, Connecticutban.

Az előadások nyelve angol és magyar, örömmel fogadunk magyar nyelvű előadásokat. Szeretettel várunk konferenciánkra minden kollegát, érdeklődőt. Akik a fenti témához kapcsolódva a jelzett területek bármelyikéről előadást szeretnének tartani, kérjük, hogy absztraktjukat 2023. február 15-ig adják be itt:

Funding Opportunities for Students & Junior Scholars

Apply for an AHEA Research Presentation Award!
Deadline: February 15

AHEA is accepting applications for the annual AHEA Research Presentation Awards. These awards support scholars by contributing to expenses related to attendance at AHEA’s annual conference.Two or three yearly awards of 500 USD will be given, depending on availability of funding.

To be eligible for this award, a person should:

  1. Be preferably a graduate student currently enrolled or a junior scholar (up to five years beyond the PhD at the time of application).
  2. Work at an institution of higher education.
  3. Submit an abstract for presentation at the next annual AHEA conference.
  4. Become or currently be a member of AHEA.

Application consists of:

  1. A current CV or brief biosketch (not more than 1 page).
  2. A 200-word personal statement
  3. A 200-word abstract of the presentation submitted online.

Send application materials by way of email to:

Deadline for application: February 15

Awardees will be notified by February 25

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